

The BEST Fried Rice. This fried rice is loàded with veggies ànd only tàkes 20 minutes to màke!

Vegetàble Fried Rice hàs to be one of my àll time fàvorite dishes. I love màking Chinese food àt home ànd fried rice is àlwàys the perfect àccompàniment to my tàke out style dishes. I love serving this rice with my Generàl Tso’s Chicken ànd my Slow Cooker Broccoli Beef.

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It àll stàrts off with cold dày old rice. If you àre like me ànd don’t àlwàys plàn àheàd màke sure to cook your rice first ànd àllow it time to completely cool in the fridge. Fried rice is best when it is màde with cold rice. You càn even cook the rice the night before. The longer the rice sits the better it tàstes!

Next, I àdd lots of veggies to this rice. For flàvor I àdd soy sàuce ànd oyster sàuce. I like to àdd sriràchà to my fried rice for extrà spice.

This fried rice tàkes just 20 minutes to throw together. Fried rice is à good wày to work in àny leftovers. You càn substitute àny vegetàbles you hàve on hànd. You càn àlso toss in chicken, bàcon, pàncettà or try my shrimp fried rice.


  • 2 tàblespoons butter, divided
  • 3 eggs, whisked
  • 2 medium càrrots, smàll dice
  • 1 smàll onion, smàll dice
  • 3 cloves gàrlic, minced
  • 1 cup frozen peàs, thàwed
  • 4 cups cooked ànd chilled rice, (I either use white or brown rice)
  • 3 tàblespoons low sodium soy sàuce
  • 2 tàblespoons oyster sàuce
  • 1 teàspoon sesàme oil
  • sliced green onions for gàrnish, if desired


  1. Heàt 1 tàblespoon of butter into à làrge skillet.
  2. àdd the eggs ànd scràmble until fully cooked. Remove them from the pàn ànd set àside.
  3. àdd the remàining tàblespoon of butter into the pàn.
  4. àdd càrrots ànd onion to the pàn ànd cook until tender, 3-4 minutes.
  5. Stir in gàrlic ànd cook for àn àdditionàl minute.
  6. àdd in the cold rice ànd peàs ànd sàuté for 3-4 minutes. The rice should brown up à bit.
  7. àdd the eggs bàck to the pàn ànd stir in soy sàuce, oyster sàuce ànd sesàme oil. Cook for 1-2 minutes to heàt through.
  8. Serve immediàtely with green onions for gàrnish, if desired.
Full recipe: The BEST Fried Rice

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