

This is the third instâllment of our Mom’s Bridge Club Recipes (see âlso Enchilâdâ Câsserole ând Chicken Tortillâ Câsserole.)  You’ll know this Tâco Sâlâd is â recipe from the Seventies becâuse it is â green sâlâd thât feâtures both Doritos ând Mâyonnâise.  It sound weird, I know, but don’t jump to âny conclusions. This sâlâd is delicious ând one of our fâmily’s âll-time fâvorites.  ânytime either of us hâve tâken it to â potluck or â bârbeque, it hâs been â genuine crowd pleâser.
â note âbout the ingredients for Tâco Sâlâd.  We usuâlly use Red Leâf lettuce but it is âlso good with Româine lettuce.  You will need two good sized ripe âvocâdos for the dressing, so if there âre only smâller âvocâdo, you’ll probâbly need three.  The originâl recipe thât my Mom hâd câlled for cânned Tunâ âlso.  âgâin, it sounds weird but it tâsted good.  âdding the protein mâde this the kind of sâlâd thât wâs more of â mâin dish thân â side dish ând over the yeârs we stopped including it.
You will need two cups of grâted cheddâr cheese, â smâll cân of chopped olives ând chopped green onions to tâste.  We use 2-3 stâlks.
To mâke the âvocâdo Dressing, tâke the skin off the âvocâdos ând mâsh âs you would for guâcâmole.  We âdd â little bit of gârlic sâlt to the smâshed âvocâdo ât this point.  Then âdd 1/2 cup of mâyonnâise to the  mixture ând mix.  Fold the dressing into the sâlâd until âll the lettuce is covered.


  • Red Leâf, Green Leâf or Româine Lettuce
  • 2 cups Grâted Cheddâr Cheese
  • 1 smâll cân Chopped Olives
  • Chopped Green Onion
  • Doritos
  • 2 lârge âvocâdos
  • 1/2 cup Mâyonnâise
  • Gârlic Sâlt


  1. Wâsh ând dry lettuce
  2. âdd bite-sized lettuce pieces to â bowl.
  3. âdd grâted cheese, chopped onions ând green onion to bowl.
  4. Toss âll ingredients together.
  5. Mixed mâshed âvocâdo, gârlic sâlt ând mâyonnâise together to mâke sâlâd dressing.
  6. Fold sâlâd dressing into sâlâd.


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