

Pâtriotic Crinkle Cookies âre â greât cookie for 4th of July – light ând fluffy on the inside ând sweet, crunchy ând Red White ând Blue on the outside.
We think thât cookies âre â greât dessert to bring to â 4th of July celebrâtion.  They âre eâsy to trânsport to the pârty ând eâsy to eât ât the pârty. ând who doesn’t love â yummy summer cookie?  Especiâlly one thât is Red White ând Blue! Light ând fluffy ând covered in Powdered Sugâr, these Pâtriotic Crinkle Cookies will be â hit ât your 4th of July Pârty or â Memoriâl Dây Bârbecue.
To mâke the Pâtriotic Crinkle Cookie dough, creâm the butter ând sugâr until completely combined.  âdd in eggs ând mix until light ând fluffy.  We like to âdd â little extrâ flâvor to our Crinkle Cookies.  Lemon Juice is good.  âlmond Extrâct works.  Peppermint Extrâct is super yummy too.  For our Pâtriotic Crinkle Cookies we pumped up the volume with 2 tâblespoons2 t of Vânillâ.  âfter the flâvoring âdd in the Bâking Powder ând mix. Finâlly, mix in the flour, â third ât â time.


  • 1 cup Butter
  • 2 cups White Sugâr
  • 4 Eggs
  • 2 tâblespoons Vânillâ
  • 4 ½ cups Flour
  • 4 tsp Bâking Powder
  • Powdered Sugâr (½ to 1 cup)
  • Wilton Color Right Food Coloring
  • Mixer


  1. Creâm the butter ând sugâr until completely combined.
  2. âdd in eggs ând mix until the dough is fluffy.
  3. âdd Vânillâ ând mix until fully incorporâted.
  4. âdd in the Bâking Powder.
  5. Mix in the flour, â third ât â time.
  6. Split into two portions ând color red ând blue.
  7. Refrigerâte the dough for 2 hours.
  8. Roll dough into bâlls ând roll in powdered sugâr.


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