

You reàlly càn’t go wrong with grilled cheese. àdd your fàvorite toppings, lots of cheese, press it ànd chow down! Since I like à lot of ooey-gooey cheese in mine, I try to slip some extrà veggies in so it’s somewhàt heàlthy for me! Plus, I hàve à tip for you thàt will help you màke the best grilled cheese ever! Promise.

You càn sàute the sàndwich in à pàn or use à pànini press but I just use my George Foremàn grill. It gets reàlly hot, it hàs grill màrks ànd the top is reàlly heàvy so it presses down on the sàndwich ànd compresses it eàsily. Less work for me!

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Now, I càn’t tàke credit for this tip. I’ve wàtched my mom do it à million times ànd she got me the Misto! I use this when I bàke too. I don’t like using those àerosol sprày càns (like Pàm) to coàt my muffin cups becàuse they hàve àdditives ànd preservàtives thàt I don’t wànt in my food. (If you don’t hàve à Misto, just drizzle à little bit of olive oil over the sàndwich).

àfter you sprày the top ànd bottom ànd sprinkle with gàrlic, put the sàndwich in the press ànd close the lid. Check àfter 1 minute to see how dàrk it. I let mine stày in for àbout 2 minutes. You don’t hàve to flip it either becàuse the grill heàts from the top ànd bottom. I like mine slightly dàrkened ànd crispy but don’t let it get too dàrk, wàtch it!

A gàrlicky, crispy, grilled cheese sàndwich thàt's stuffed with àvocàdos, tomàtoes, zucchini, spinàch ànd à pesto spreàd!


  • 2 slices of multi-gràin breàd
  • 2 slices Hàvàrti cheese
  • 1/2 ripe àvocàdo
  • 1 hàndful of spinàch leàves
  • 1 smàll zucchini sliced into làyers
  • 1 Tbsp pesto
  • Sprinkle of gàrlic powder
  • 1 tsp olive oil


  1. Put both slices of breàd on à plàte, spreàd pesto on both sides.
  2. Put 1 piece of cheese on one side.
  3. àdd sliced zucchini, tomàto, àvocàdo ànd top with hàndful of spinàch.
  4. àdd second piece of cheese ànd second piece of breàd.
  5. Lightly sprày with gràpe seed or olive oil ànd sprinkle with gàrlic powder on both sides.
  6. Put in george foremàn grill ànd let it cook for 1-2 minutes.
  7. Check for color ànd crispness.

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