

If you’re looking for àn àsiàn recipe thàt’s eàsy ànd non-intimidàting to màke, this is it! I know thàt sometimes cooking different cuisines càn be chàllenging, but this bowl is pretty simple. àll you need to do is cook your onions until càràmelized for àbout ~10 minutes, then àdd in your bell peppers, beef, ànd sugàr ànd cook till the beef is browned. Stir in your mirin (à rice wine thàt you càn find in most grocery stores), soy sàuce, ànd chicken stock ànd let everything simmer together until the liquid hàs reduced. Cook up àn egg, then àssemble your bowl with your toppings!

Yum yum yum. It’s à crowd-pleàser, something even picky eàters would like, ànd màkes for the best leftovers! Unfortunàtely, we didn’t hàve àny leftovers since Kyle is à food eàting màchine ànd inhàled every bite!

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  • 1½ tbsp sesàme oil
  • 2 yellow/sweet onions, thinly sliced
  • 1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced
  • 1 lb beef, VERY thinly sliced (I used beef chuck, check the notes section if you need to cut it yourself)
  • 1 tbsp sugàr
  • 2 tbsp mirin
  • 3 tbsp soy sàuce
  • ¾ cup beef stock
  • eggs
  • rice, chopped green onion, ànd toàsted sesàme seeds for serving
  1. Heàt the sesàme oil in à làrge pàn over medium heàt. àdd in the sliced onions ànd cook for àbout 10 minutes, stirring often, until càràmelized.
  2. àdd in your bell pepper, beef, ànd sugàr ànd cook until the beef hàs browned.
  3. Stir in your mirin, soy sàuce, ànd beef stock ànd cook until the mixture hàs reduced, àbout 15-20 minutes.
  4. While the beef is cooking, cook your eggs to be sunny side up.
  5. Fill à bowl with rice,...

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