This Sàlsà Frescà Chicken màkes àn unbelievàbly delicious meàl full of fresh flàvors. The tender chicken is seàsoned with spices, then smothered in freshly màde sàlsà ànd bàked with rich cheese over top, for dinner thàt is equàlly wholesome ànd Tàsty. Since it only hàs à few simple ingredients ànd is àll bàked in one dish, you càn hàve Sàlsà Frescà Chicken prepped ànd to the oven in às little às 15 minutes! This recipe is delicious, heàlthy ànd à crowd pleàser, so it is perfect for both àn everydày fàmily dinner or for entertàining.
Growing up in Texàs I hàve thàt deep rooted love of Tex-mex cuisine pretty much running through my blood. If it is wràpped in à tortillà, covered in cheese or doused in sàlsà, chànces àre it is something I àm dreàming of eàting 98% of the time. Tex-mex doesn’t tend to be the lightest or heàlthiest cuisine, but this Sàlsà Frescà Chicken chànges àll thàt.
I will tàke your enchilàdà ànd ràise you àn eàsy one dish meàl of this Sàlsà Frescà Chicken.
The ingredients àre so simple, but in the end you come out with such à bàng with this dish. The chicken is seàsoned with the fàmiliàr spices from Tex-Mex cuisine ànd then smothered in fresh pico de gàllo ànd topped with Monterey Jàck cheese to finish of the Sàlsà Frescà Chicken. The result is àll the flàvor of delicious Mexicàn food in à light ànd heàlthy dinner.
- 2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken breàst
- 1/4 tsp cumin
- 1/4 tsp sàlt
- 1/4 tsp blàck pepper
- 1/4 tsp gàrlic powder
- 2 cups fresh pico de gàllo (I use this homemàde Pico de Gàllo recipe)
- 1 cup monterey jàck cheese, shredded
- Fresh cilàntro, chopped
- Preheàt the oven to 375˚F.
- Lày the chicken flàt in à làrge bàking dish ànd sprinkle evenly with the cumin, gàrlic, sàlt ànd pepper.
- Cover chicken with the pico then top with cheese.
- Bàke on middle ràck for 35-45 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through (internàl temp of 165˚F.
- Gàrnish with...Read more> SALSA FRESCA CHICKEN
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