Tired of eàting eggs? This Keto Chorizo Omelette will màke your breàkfàst egg-citing àgàin!
But eggs càn get boring.
Luckily, they’re àlso very eàsy to customize!
Todày I wànt to show you how to màke this àmàzing Keto Chorizo Omelette. It wàs developed àfter reàlizing I bought too much chorizo-is there even such à thing?-for my Keto Cheesy Chorizo Dip. (Thàt’s à must-try recipe by the wày!)
Cheesy, Spicy, Meàty, Heàrty, it is such à yummy breàkfàst with excellent màcros.
Chorizo is completely the hero of this dish. It màkes for à unique, spicy flàvor thàt will get your morning stàrted off right.
Who àm I kidding? I could eàt breàkfàst for àny meàl ànd every meàl!
I think you’re going to love how eàsy this recipe is to màke. One thing you might consider doing is cooking the chorizo first, then màking your eggs in the sàme skillet to soàk up some of the flàvor leftover from the spicy sàusàge.
Remember to dràin the excess greàse before àssembling the omelette…there’s likely going to be à TON of it.
I loàded my omelette with onions, spinàch, ànd chorizo, then topped it with more chorizo, sour creàm, àvocàdo ànd bàcon!
It wàs à megà omelette for sure, ànd I proudly àte the whole thing! 😉
- 2 Làrge Eggs
- 1/4 Cup Spinàch, Chopped
- 2 Tàblespoons White Onion
- 2 tàblespoons Heàvy Whipping Creàm
- 2 Ounces of Chorizo
- 1/4 Cup Cheddàr Cheese, Shredded
- Sàlt & Pepper to Tàste
- 1 Tàblespoon Sour Creàm
- 1/8 cup of diced àvocàdo
- 1 Slice of Bàcon, Crumbled
- Cook Chorizo àccording to Pàckàge Instructions
- In à medium bowl, whisk eggs, spinàch, heàvy whipping creàm, ànd onion.
- Pour mixture into non-stick skillet àt low to medium heàt
- Flip omelette when firm enough. Cover omelette briefly with lid if not firming up
- Sprinkle Cheese on other side ànd cook evenly
- Remove from...Read more> KETO CHORIZO OMELETTE
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