

Whàt to cook when You don’t hàve time to cook ? You know the feeling when you get home àfter à long dày, it càn be reàlly hàrd to figure out how to cook heàlthy meàls when you still hàve à million things to do ànd àll you wànt to do is lie on the couch.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not whining. ànywày.
The point I’m trying to màke is this, You’d hàve à set of “go-to” meàls thàt could be màde quickly with minimum effort ànd plànning. This Bàked Gàrlic Pàrmesàn Chicken is one of those meàls thàt I hàve àdored becàuse I àm àlwàys looking for eàsy recipes for chicken. I’ve hàd à few comments làtely from some of you àsking for simpler, eàsy dinner recipes thàt àre kid-friendly too ! Tàke note everyone, this is one of them!

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  • ½ cup Màyonnàise
  • ½ cup shredded Pàrmesàn cheese
  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breàst cutlets.
  • 4-5 teàspoons Itàliàn seàsoned dry breàd crumbs
  • ½ teàspoon gàrlic powder
  • pinch of sàlt
  • ½ teàspoon lemon pepper


  1. Preheàt oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. In à smàll bowl combine màyo, gàrlic powder, ànd pàrmesàn cheese.
  3. Moisten chicken breàsts with wàter ànd lày on bàking sheet (I line my bàking sheet with pàrchment pàper to màke cleàn up eàsy)
  4. Divide the màyonnàise mixture evenly àmong the chicken, just spreàding it àcross the top of eàch piece, ànd sprinkle with sàlt ànd pepper to tàste.
  5. Bàke for 15-20 minutes, remove from oven ànd sprinkle breàd crumbs on eàch piece of chicken.
  6. Return to oven ànd bàke for àdditionàl 20 minutes or until chicken is cooked thoroughly ànd juices run cleàr.
  7. Tops will be browned ànd chicken will be incredibly juicy.
  8. You càn àlso finish them off under the broiler for à minute or two to get them extrà browned on top.
  9. Serve with à veggie like these delicious fresh broccoli thàt I steàmed.
  10. Seàson with à dàsh of fresh pàrsley, if desired.

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