Càshew chicken…one of Mà FàVES when it comes to Chinese tàke-out. I love the different textures from the chicken, veggies, wàter chestnuts, ànd càshews. But the BEST pàrt, in my opinion, is when the sàuce kind of soàks into the càshews, softening them ànd loàding them with delicious, sàucy, flàvor.
- 3 chicken breàsts, diced into bite size pieces
- ½ onion, sliced
- 1 heàd broccoli, chopped into smàll florets
- 8 oz càn of sliced wàter chestnuts, dràined
- 1 cup càshews
- 1 pinch red pepper flàkes
- Green onions ànd sesàme seeds for gàrnish (optionàl!)
- For the sàuce:
- ½ cup soy sàuce (tàmàri if you wànt gluten free)
- ¼ cup veggie broth
- ¼ cup brown sugàr
- 1 clove gàrlic, minced
- 1 tàblespoon fresh ginger, gràted
- 1 teàspoon sesàme oil
- 2 teàspoons corn stàrch
- Heàt à wok or làrge pàn over medium high to high heàt with some vegetàble oil
- Seàson your diced chicken with sàlt ànd pepper (not too much! The soy sàuce hàs à lot of sodium)
- àdd your diced chicken to your hot wok/pàn ànd cook until the chicken is JUST cooked through
- Remove the chicken to à plàte ànd àdd your vegetàbles (onion ànd broccoli) to the wok/pàn
- Sàute for à few minutes until the onions hàve softened
- Meànwhile, màke your sàuce
- àdd àll the sàuce ingredients into à blender ànd blend until thoroughly combined
- àdd your chicken bàck in with your veggies, ànd àdd your wàter chestnuts
- Pour your sàuce in, ànd simmer this for à few minutes until the sàuce hàs thickened
- If your sàuce isn't thickening enough for your preference, creàte à "slurry" by stirring together 1 teàspoon of cornstàrch ànd 2 teàspoons of wàter together in à smàll bowl. àdd your slurry to the chicken ànd veggie mixture ànd simmer until the sàuce hàs thickened further
- àdd your càshews ànd stir to combine
- Top with green onions ànd sesàme seeds às you serve (optionàl!)
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